got grass? - Centurion has been registered!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Hello folks, 

I hope everyone has had (or is having!) a good harvest season.  I've been around to a few bogs and have to say that size and colour was looking pretty good even if overall yields were a little lower than last year!  (now if only we could do something about that price!!!!). 

I've been hearing some reports of grass problems in cranberry bogs (new and established) and I am happy to let you know that you now have access to a new herbicide that will finally control some of those grasses that have been difficult to control in cranberries.  Centurion (active ingredient: clethodim) has now been registered!  Here are few pieces of pertinent information from the label:

Cranberry is tolerant to CENTURION at all stages of growth, however do not apply CENTURION  between the hook stage and full fruit set.
Labelled grassy weeds. Refer to weed/rate chart in this label.
Application Rate:  0.19 – 0.38 L/ha
Application Rate of Amigo (adjuvent) 0.5 – 1.0 % v/v
TIME OF APPLICATION: Apply CENTURION post-emergence of weeds and crop. Do not apply between the hook stage and full fruit set. Apply a maximum of one application per year using ground equipment. Apply in a minimum spray volume of 110 litres of water per hectare.
Observe a PHI of 30 days.
Ground application only.


Rates of use are given below to control various grass species. Refer to crop section for the maximum use rate on each crop.


                                                                             Application               Application
                                                Leaf                     Rate of                       Rate of
Grass Species                       Stage                   CENTURION®         AMIGO® Adjuvant


*Foxtail (green, yellow)       2-4                        0.125 L/ha                 0.5% v/v

Wild oats

Volunteer cereals

   (wheat, barley, oats)


Barnyard Grass                     2-6                        0.125 L/ha                 0.5% v/v  


Fall panicum

Proso millet

Volunteer Corn
Volunteer canary grass

Wild Oats                              2-6                        0.19 L/ha                   0.5%  v/v

Volunteer cereals

   (wheat, barley, oats)

Foxtail (green, yellow)

Persian darnel

Crabgrass (smooth and large)

Proso millet


Fall panicum

Barnyard grass

Volunteer corn

Volunteer canary grass

Quackgrass suppression


Quackgrass control**          2-6                        0.38 L/ha                   1.0%  v/v

*  CENTURION applied at 0.125 L/ha for the control of weeds listed in this section of the table should only be applied under the following conditions:


·         Good crop stand

·         Early application (as in above table, prior to tillering)

·         Do not tank-mix with other pesticides

·         Do not apply to volunteer winter cereals

·         Light to moderate weed infestation

·         Adequate moisture and fertility

·         Absence of stress, good growing conditions


If any one of the above conditions are not present at the time of application, use 0.19 L/ha rate of CENTURION.